"Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let know inquiry get dominion over me." -Psalm 119:133
Do our daily walks make sense in light of God's promises of salvation, strength, courage, love, forgiveness, and freedom? This verse reminds me of those moving sidewalks at the airport. They keep steady your step. Once you're on, there's no changing direction. Unfortunately, our human nature likes to change direction in life. I love the cry of the psalmist's heart in this verse that the Lord would keep him from straying and set him to step within what makes sense in light of the gospel.
The second part is interesting as well. Don't we have hang ups in life? It's like encountering someone who stands on those moving sidewalks instead of walking or coming up behind a stray suitcase. We get caught up on these inquires (fears, confusions, frustrations, questions), and they keep us from being most productive for Jesus and from living in the fullness of joy that he came to bring.
Let us pray in a way that shows that we expect great things from a God who keeps our steps steady and whose sovereignty clears the inquires that obstruct our view of him!